The history of UFOs, also known as Unidentified Flying Objects, is deeply intertwined with the culture and collective psyche of the last seven decades, and has proven to be a fertile ground for both controversy and fascination. The term UFO was coined in 1953 by the United States Air Force (USAF) to refer to any airborne object that could not be identified by the viewer. This definition included both potentially alien spacecraft and any terrestrial objects which the observer could not readily identify.
The intrigue was heightened by Project Blue Book, a series of systematic studies of UFOs conducted by the USAF from 1952 to 1969. Despite the project’s conclusion that most sightings were misinterpretations of natural phenomena or conventional aircrafts, a small percentage of the cases remained “unexplained,” fueling the controversy and public interest in the existence of extraterrestrial life.
UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life have been pervasive themes in popular culture, especially in science fiction literature, films, and television. The 1950s and 60s marked the beginning of a wave of UFO-themed movies such as “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and “Earth vs. the Flying Saucers,” reflecting societal anxieties of the time. TV shows like “The X-Files” in the 1990s and more recent series like “Ancient Aliens” have continued to stoke public curiosity. The iconography of flying saucers and gray aliens has become a staple in the pop culture landscape.
The stereotype of extraterrestrials as “grey aliens” with large, black, almond-shaped eyes has its roots in various accounts of alleged encounters with extraterrestrial beings. While the depiction has varied over the years, one pivotal event that solidified this image in the public consciousness was the purported alien abduction of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961.
The Hills were an American couple who claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials in a rural portion of New Hampshire. Under hypnosis, they described their captors as being “grey” in color with large, wrap-around eyes. Betty Hill’s detailed sketches of the entities, drawn under post-event hypnosis, helped to establish the popular visual representation of the aliens as having a slender body, a large head relative to body size, and large, almond-shaped, black eyes. This description, whether accurate or not, took root in the popular imagination and has greatly influenced the portrayal of aliens in science fiction and popular culture.
Furthermore, the iconic image of the “greys” has been perpetuated by various alleged eyewitnesses and abductees since the Hill’s account. Whitley Strieber’s 1987 book “Communion,” a purportedly true account of his own abduction experiences, features a cover illustration of a grey alien with large, black eyes, which has become one of the most recognizable depictions of an extraterrestrial being. Despite the lack of concrete evidence supporting the existence of these beings, the image of the “grey alien” has persisted, shaping our cultural conception of what visitors from outer space might look like.
“Close Encounters of the Third Kind” is a 1977 science fiction film written and directed by Steven Spielberg. The film portrays the lives of several individuals in Indiana who have their lives altered after an encounter with unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The title refers to the classification of close encounters with aliens as set forth by American ufologist J. Allen Hynek, where the third kind denotes human observations of extraterrestrials or “animate beings.” Spielberg’s film is well-known for its optimistic and non-threatening depiction of alien contact, where the extraterrestrial visitors are portrayed as curious and peaceful explorers rather than invaders. The film’s significant cultural impact has influenced public perception and discussion about extraterrestrial life and UFOs.
Jacques Vallee is another pivotal figure in the realm of ufology. A French computer scientist, astrophysicist, and author, Vallee is widely regarded as one of the most influential researchers in the field of UFO studies. Initially an astronomer at Paris Observatory, Vallee’s interest in the UFO phenomenon was sparked when he witnessed the destruction of tracking tapes of unknown objects. He served as the real-life model for the French researcher character in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”
Vallee is particularly known for his development of the “interdimensional hypothesis,” an alternative to the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs. He proposed that UFOs and related events involve visitations from other “realities” or “dimensions” that coexist separately alongside our own. Vallee’s extensive research and theories have had a profound influence on how UFO phenomena are studied, contributing to the continued examination of these experiences from diverse and multi-disciplinary perspectives. His rigorous scientific approach has helped to legitimize the field of UFO studies, making a significant impact on the discourse surrounding UFO phenomena.
“Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret” (published in 2021) is an important contribution to the body of UFO literature, co-authored by Jacques Vallee and Paola Leopizzi Harris. This collaborative work provides a meticulously researched examination of an important, yet little-known, UFO event that allegedly occurred near Trinity, New Mexico, in 1945.
Vallee and Harris, a notable investigative journalist, apply their respective expertise to unfold a narrative filled with startling accounts, substantial evidence, and thought-provoking implications. It’s important to note that the book’s title, “Trinity,” refers not to the Trinity nuclear test but to the location of the reported UFO incident.
The book begins by setting the stage for the events that unfolded in 1945. According to eyewitness testimony, a manned craft of unknown origin crashed near San Antonio, New Mexico. This incident purportedly took place mere weeks after the first atomic bomb test and two years prior to the more famous Roswell incident. The main eyewitnesses were two boys, Jose Padilla and Reme Baca. Their detailed account forms the backbone of the investigation.
The authors note: “This was not simply another UFO sighting. This was an event that had physicality, with occupants and leftover technology. It pre-dated any known technology that we were aware of on Earth. This was something extraordinary”.
Using Padilla and Baca’s testimonies, Vallee and Harris meticulously reconstruct the incident. They claim that the boys witnessed a craft crash and found debris, including unusual foil-like material, and even came across the occupants of the craft, who appeared to be non-human entities.
Their exploration extends beyond just the eyewitness accounts. The authors delve into the physical evidence, including samples from the crash site. They conduct scientific analysis and investigations, even enlisting the expertise of other scientists to help. Through isotopic and elemental analysis, the materials are found to be extraordinary and unexplainable by common earthly manufacturing methods.
A key quote from Vallee encapsulates the scientific findings: “What we do know from the analysis so far is that the material shows clear indications of having been manufactured… It is not a natural alloy… In this sense, it may be considered as ‘not from here’”.
Apart from the testimonies and physical analysis, “Trinity” also investigates the possible cover-up of the incident. The authors explore the circumstances surrounding the government’s swift clean-up operation, and how it contributed to the event’s obscurity. This is reminiscent of Vallee’s previous works, where he’s shown concern about government and institutional responses to UFO phenomena.
The book doesn’t shy away from addressing skeptics. Vallee and Harris respond to potential criticisms, questioning whether the eyewitnesses could have misremembered or fabricated the event. However, they argue that the coherence of the witnesses’ accounts, the physical evidence, and the independent corroboration of other witnesses make a strong case for the event’s authenticity.
As we compare “Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret” with recent news findings and other books, we see an increase in transparency and mainstream acceptance of UFO incidents. The U.S. government’s release of the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) report in 2021, along with increasing media coverage of pilot encounters, align with the book’s intent to bring attention to significant UFO incidents. This growing acceptance makes the exploration of the Trinity incident even more pertinent.
In comparison with Annie Jacobsen’s “Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base,” which posits that the UFO phenomena might be attributable to advanced terrestrial technologies, “Trinity” asserts an extraterrestrial or possibly extra-dimensional hypothesis. The discovery of the unusual materials in “Trinity” supports the hypothesis of a non-earthly origin, something that stretches our current understanding of material science.
UFO sightings did not end in 1945. Since then, there have been countless books and reports about UFO’s, alien abductions, and so on. But, when looked at from a skeptical perspective, there is nothing available (at least to the public) that can count as irrefutable evidence.
Most UFO sightings, in fact, can be logically explained through natural and scientific phenomena.
According to the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, up to 95% of UFO sightings are easily explainable, leaving a mere 5% that remains unidentified after investigation. Often, these sightings are misidentifications of natural atmospheric occurrences such as meteors, planets, or stars that appear unusually bright or are in unusual positions due to atmospheric conditions. Weather phenomena like lenticular clouds, which can have a saucer-like shape, often contribute to these sightings as well.
Even man-made objects, including aircraft, satellites, weather balloons, and sometimes simply lights or flares, can be misconstrued as UFOs. Furthermore, advancements in drone technology have led to an increase in sightings that can be attributed to these unmanned aerial vehicles. In conclusion, while the possibility of unexplained phenomena does exist, the overwhelming majority of UFO sightings can be attributed to identifiable natural or man-made objects or occurrences.
Recent events concerning UFOs include.
- In 2020, the US Navy released three videos of UFOs that had been filmed by pilots. The videos showed unidentified objects moving at high speeds and performing maneuvers that would be difficult or impossible for human-made aircraft.
- In 2021, the US government released a report on UFOs. The report acknowledged that there were a number of unexplained objects that had been observed by the military, but it did not offer any definitive explanation for what they were.
- In 2022, a group of astronomers published a paper that suggested that some UFOs could be explained by natural phenomena, such as meteors or weather balloons. However, the paper also acknowledged that there were a number of UFOs that could not be explained by known natural phenomena.
- In 2023, the US government announced that it was creating a new office to investigate UFOs. The office, which is called the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, will be responsible for collecting and analyzing data on UFOs.
Some people believe that the UFOs are evidence of alien life, while others believe that they are simply natural phenomena or experimental aircraft. The US government’s decision to create a new office to investigate UFOs suggests that the government is taking the issue seriously. However, it is still too early to say what the ultimate explanation for UFOs will be.
In addition to the findings mentioned above, there have been a number of other reports of UFO sightings in recent years. Some of these reports have been investigated by the US government, but no definitive explanation has been found for any of them.
The mystery of UFOs is likely to continue to fascinate people for many years to come. As more data is collected and analyzed, it may be possible to finally determine what these mysterious objects are.
In the below section a debate takes place between Shapiro and Walsh about the recent whistleblower (who appeared on social media feeds on June, 2023), and whether his claims should be taken seriously. I take note of this discussion not because either Shapiro or Walsh are UFO experts or because they are bests qualified for this type of discussion, but because I think their brief exchange perfectly represents the kind of conversation many reasonable people are having around the world.
In the opening portion of their discussion, Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh delve into the intriguing narrative surrounding a recent whistleblower, who allegedly possesses knowledge pertaining to the American government’s retrieval of non-human origin technical vehicles, and even purported aliens, that have either descended or crashed on Earth. Both the host and guest express disparate views on this captivating tale: Walsh seems invigorated by the prospect of extraterrestrial life, whereas Shapiro remains uncertain of the story’s veracity.
However, Shapiro concedes that the whistleblower’s actions — risking his career and possibly his life — make it unlikely that he would fabricate such a tale. If the story were entirely untrue, Shapiro queries, what would be the motivation behind such an elaborate deception? The dialogue then shifts towards public reception of this narrative, and the speculation of whether this tale serves as a mere smokescreen for more clandestine government operations.
As their conversation continues, Shapiro and Walsh transition into a broader examination of the possibility of alien existence. They parse through various pieces of suggestive evidence, including footage from Navy pilots and reports of anomalous aerial phenomena, that indicate unexplained activities within our atmosphere. Walsh contends that it is imprudent to outrightly dismiss the prospect of other life forms. Shapiro, meanwhile, retains his skepticism, citing the implausibility of extraterrestrial beings voyaging millions of light years, only to end their journey with a crash landing on Earth.
The debate between the two concludes with Walsh advocating for an open-minded approach, urging that we should remain receptive to all possibilities in this unfathomable universe. In doing so, he underscores the importance of objectivity and curiosity when examining such profound and perplexing mysteries.
Ultimately, the truth of UFOs remain hidden to the public. One can speculate as much as they like, but so far, it is the skeptic who has the upper hand. Until conclusive evidence is provided (which is challenging since anything can be staged), we will never get any closer to the truth on this topic.