Plato in 90 minutes by Paul Stratheren is a book that is part of the 90 minutes series and it tells the story of Plato. The book starts out with an introduction to Plato and it gives a brief overview of his life. It then goes into more detail about his teachings. The book is divided into three parts, the first part is about Plato’s early life, the second part is about his middle years, and the third part is about his later years.
Early Life
In the first part, Plato’s early life is discussed. He was born in Athens in 427 BC. His father was Ariston and his mother was Perictione. He was born into a wealthy family. His mother, Perictione, was related to the famous Athenian statesman Solon. Plato was educated by some of the best teachers of his time including the philosopher Socrates. He studied under Socrates for many years and was greatly influenced by his teachings. After the death of Socrates, Plato traveled to Egypt and Italy. While in Italy, he studied under the philosopher Pythagoras. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who is best known for his work on mathematics and geometry. Plato was also influenced by the work of the philosopher Parmenides.
Parmenides was a Greek philosopher who is best known for his work on the nature of reality. After his travels, Plato returned to Athens and founded his own school, the Academy. The Academy was one of the most famous schools of philosophy in ancient Greece. Plato’s students included some of the most famous philosophers of all time including Aristotle. Plato’s most famous work is The Republic. The Republic is a book about justice, morality, and politics. In the book, Plato argues that justice is the highest good and that it is the only thing that is truly good. He also argues that morality is based on reason and that it is not based on the desires of the people. Plato’s ideas about justice and morality were influential for many centuries.
Middle Years
In the second part, Plato’s middle years are discussed. These were years of great political upheaval in Athens. The Peloponnesian War was fought between Athens and Sparta. Athens was defeated in the war and its democracy was replaced by a tyranny. Plato was opposed to the tyranny and he wrote a number of works criticizing it. He also wrote a number of works criticizing democracy.
In these works, he argued that democracy is a bad form of government because it leads to the rule of the mob. Plato also wrote a number of works on ethics and politics. In these works, he argued that the best form of government is a monarchy ruled by a philosopher-king. Plato’s ideas about government were influential for many centuries. In the Middle Ages, many Christian thinkers used Plato’s ideas to argue for the divine right of kings. In the Renaissance, Plato’s ideas were rediscovered and his work was studied by many of the greatest thinkers of the time. Plato’s influence can be seen in the work of the great philosopher Immanuel Kant. Kant was a German philosopher who is best known for his work on ethics and morality.
Kant was heavily influenced by Plato’s work. In particular, he was influenced by Plato’s idea that morality is based on reason. Kant argued that there are certain moral laws that are based on reason and that these laws are universal. For example, Kant argued that it is always wrong to lie. This is because lying is a violation of the moral law that says that we should always tell the truth. Kant’s ideas about ethics and morality were influential for many centuries. In the twentieth century, the philosopher John Rawls used Kant’s ideas to develop his own theory of justice. Rawls argued that the purpose of government is to make sure that all people are treated fairly. This is the idea behind Rawls’s theory of justice.
Later Years
In the third part, Plato’s later years are discussed. Plato’s later years were marked by declining health and a number of personal tragedies. In 348 BC, Plato’s brother, Glaucon, died. In 347 BC, Plato’s sister, Potone, died. In 346 BC, Plato’s nephew, Agathon, died. These deaths had a profound effect on Plato. He became increasingly interested in the afterlife and the nature of the soul. In his later years, Plato wrote a number of works on these subjects. One of these works was the Phaedo, in which he discusses the nature of the soul. In this work, Plato argues that the soul is immortal and that it is the source of all knowledge.
Plato also argued that the soul is immortal because it is made of a substance that is different from the body. This substance is called the “form”. The form is eternal and unchanging. The soul is immortal because the form is present in the soul. This is a very important idea in Plato’s philosophy. What does he mean by the form? Plato believed that the forms were the perfect versions of things.
For example, the form of a chair is the perfect chair. The form of a human being is the perfect human being. Plato believed that the forms were eternal and unchanging. How can a form be present in the soul? Plato believed that the soul was immortal because it had a special relationship with the forms. He believed that the soul was “in” the forms. This means that the soul had access to the forms. The soul could know the forms because it was “in” them.
Plato believed that the soul was like a container. The soul contains the form of the thing that it is thinking about. For example, when we think about a chair, the form of the chair is present in our soul. This is how we are able to think about things. The objection to this idea is that it seems to imply that we can think about things that do not exist. Plato believed that this was not the case. He believed that the soul was able to think about the forms because the forms were real.
They were not just ideas in our heads. In fact, Plato believed that the forms were real things that existed in the world, no different from the things that we see and experience. An example of forms is mathemitical ideas. These are ideas about the shapes of things that do not exist in the real world but are no less real than the taste of food or the color of the sky. If the forms were not real, then the ideas that we have about them would be imaginary.
Why does Plato conclude that the soul must be infinite rather than finite? Plato’s reasoning is as follows: if the soul is finite, then it is limited in the number of things that it can think about. But if the soul is unlimited in its capacity to think, then it must be able to think about an infinite number of things. Therefore, the soul must be infinite because it is able to think about an infinite number of things. The soul is not a thing, but a quality. It is like a container. It can be filled with any number of things.