Irritable Bowel Syndrome is an unpleasant bloated feeling or gurgling in the abdomen (and susceptibility to diarrhea and constipation). IBS sufferers report anxiety and depressive disorders. If the brain insists, it can receive unwanted information from the gut.
Such a state can also be caused by tiny but persistent micro-inflammations, bad gut flora, or undetected food intolerances. Despite the wealth of recent research, some doctors still dismiss patients with IBS as a hypochondriacs or malingerers because their tests show no visible damage to the gut.
Stress is a major stimuli discussed by the brain and the gut. When the brain senses a major problem (time pressure or anger), it naturally wants to solve it. To do this, it needs energy, which it borrows mainly from the gut. The gut is informed of the emergency situation through the sympathetic nerve fibers, and is instructed to obey the brain in this exceptional period. It is kind enough to save energy on digestion, producing less mucus and reducing blood supply.
But this system is not designed for long term use. If the brain permanently thinks it is in an emergency situation, it begins to take advantage of the gut’s compliance. When that happens, the gut is forced to send unpleasant signals to the brain to say it is no longer willing to be exploited. This negative stimulus can cause fatigue, loss of appetite, general malaise, or diarrhea.
A healthy meat-free diet that does not lead to nutritional deficiencies is harder than people think. Plants construct different proteins than animals and use so little of an amino acid that the proteins they produce are known as incomplete when our body tries to use these to make the amino acids it needs, it can contrive to build the chain only until one of the amino acids run out. Half-finished protein are then broken down again, and we excrete the tiny acids in our urine or recycle them in our body. Beans lack the amino acid methionine, rice and wheat lack lysine and tryptophan.
Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ, Enders
Ineffective Antibiotics
Every year, many thousands of people die because they are infected with bacteria that have developed resistances that no drug can counter. When their immune system is compromised-for example, after an operation-or if the resistant bacteria have got out of hand after a long course of treatment with antibiotics, the patient can be in real danger. Very few new drugs are in development, for the simple reason that it is not very profitable for pharmaceutical companies to do so.
1. Do not take antibiotics unless it is really necessary. And if you do have to take them, then always complete the course. This is because resistance fighters who are less skilled will eventually give up the cause and succumb to the drug.
2.Choose organically farmed meat. Drug resistances differ from country to country. It is shocking to see how often these resistances correspond to the antibiotics used in large-scale animal farming.
3. Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly. Animal feces are a popular fertilizer, and liquid manure is used in vegetable fields. In many countries, fruit and vegetables are not routinely tested for residues of antibiotics-and certainly not for multi-drug-resistant gut bacteria. Milk, eggs, and meat are usually tested to make sure they don’t exceed certain limits. So err on the side of caution and wash your fruit and vegetables one extra time if you are not sure. Even tiny amounts of antibiotics can help bacteria develop resistances.
4. Take care abroad. One traveler in four returns home carrying highly resistant bacteria. Most disappear in a few months, but some lurk around for much longer. Special care should be taken in bacterial problem countries like India. In Asia and the Middle East, you should wash your hands regularly, and clean fruit and vegetables thoroughly-if necessary with boiled water. Southern Europe also has its problems. “Cook it, peel it, or leave it” is not only a good rule,
From Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ
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