Ch.1 (The Fateful Triangle)

Sud Alogu
2 min readNov 16, 2023


In the shadow of the current conflict between Hamas and Israel in 2023, it is enlightening to revisit Noam Chomsky’s “The Fateful Triangle,” first published in 1983. This work offers a timeless exploration of the intricacies and biases that shape the Israeli-Palestinian discourse, particularly in the context of historical events such as the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Chomsky’s critical analysis in the first chapter uncovers a rhetoric pattern aimed at deflecting criticism of Israel. He identifies a tactic where Palestinian atrocities, often exaggerated or fabricated, are highlighted, creating a skewed narrative in the media and public discourse. This approach challenges critics of Israeli actions to also condemn global atrocities, a standard curiously absent when Palestinian actions are condemned.

The book dissects claims of media bias favoring the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Chomsky sees these claims as part of a broader, distorted narrative that diverges significantly from the realities of media coverage and international politics. Such distortions contribute to a skewed understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Chomsky is particularly critical of the hypocrisy in international relations, especially concerning Israeli military actions. He points out the paradox of Western countries, notably the United States, supplying Israel with weapons like cluster bombs used in civilian areas, while simultaneously criticizing their use. This duality, he argues, indirectly supports Israeli policies that exacerbate the conflict.

A significant focus of Chomsky’s argument is the role of U.S. support in enabling Israel to pursue expansionist policies. This includes the integration of occupied territories, suppression of Palestinian nationalism, and exerting control over southern Lebanon. He contends that without a shift in U.S. policy, criticisms of Israeli actions remain superficial and ineffective.

Reflecting on missed opportunities, Chomsky notes that there were moments when the U.S. could have aligned with the international consensus for a two-state solution. Instead, it chose to back Israeli rejectionism, influencing the course of the conflict.

Chomsky’s analysis, therefore, presents a profound critique of the U.S. role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He highlights the influential power of media narratives and foreign policy decisions. His advocacy for a balanced U.S. approach underscores the urgency of facilitating a peaceful resolution based on a two-state solution, a goal that seems increasingly distant as the situation evolves.

In summary, “The Fateful Triangle” offers a poignant and relevant critique, emphasizing the need for an honest reassessment of policies and narratives that have long influenced this enduring conflict. Chomsky’s insights, though rooted in historical events, remain strikingly pertinent as we consider the ongoing turmoil in the region.

