Bullshit Jobs, by David Graeber, was an interesting read.
The first chapter of the book is titled “What Is a Bullshit Job?” In this chapter, Graeber defines a bullshit job as “a form of work that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obligated to pretend that the job is not bullshit.”
A bullshit job is defined as a job that is not only pointless, but also soul-crushing. The author gives several examples of bullshit jobs, such as telemarketers, security guards, and bank tellers. He argues that these jobs serve no purpose, and they only serve to make the person doing them feel bad about themselves.
The Rise of the Bullshit Jobs
Graeber argues that bullshit jobs are on the rise because of two factors: technology and capitalism. He argues that technology has made it possible for employers to replace human workers with machines, and that capitalism has made it profitable for employers to do so. He cites the example of automating customer service jobs, which has resulted in the replacement of human customer service representatives with automated voice recognition systems.
He also cites the example of the rise of the temp industry, which has made it possible for employers to hire workers on a temporary basis, without providing them with any benefits or job security. He also cites the example of a fast food restaurant that replaces its human employees with machines. The restaurant is able to make more money by doing this, and the workers are replaced with machines that can do their jobs faster and more efficiently.
He argues that this is why there has been a decline in jobs that require human interaction, and an increase in jobs that are soul-crushing and pointless.
The Psychological Toll of Bullshit Jobs
Graeber argues that bullshit jobs have a negative impact on the mental health of the people who have them. He argues that bullshit jobs cause people to feel anxious, stressed, and depressed. He also argues that bullshit jobs can lead to addiction and suicide. He cites the example of a man who worked as a security guard at a bank. The man was so stressed out by his job that he started drinking heavily, and eventually committed suicide. Graeber argues that bullshit jobs are a major cause of mental health problems.
How to Get Rid of Bullshit Jobs
Graeber argues that we need to get rid of capitalism in order to get rid of bullshit jobs. He argues that capitalism is the root cause of bullshit jobs, and that we need to replace it with a new economic system. He argues that we need to create a new economic system that is based on need, not profit. He argues that we need to create a new economic system that is based on cooperation, not competition. He argues that we need to create a new economic system that is based on equality, not hierarchy.
Why Do We Have Bullshit Jobs?
Graeber argues that bullshit jobs are a result of capitalism. He argues that capitalism creates a class of people who are superfluous to the production process, and these people are given bullshit jobs to keep them occupied. In other words, bullshit jobs are a way to keep people from challenging the system. This is because people who have bullshit jobs are too busy trying to survive to challenge the system.
Before capitalism, people had jobs that were meaningful and fulfilling. They were able to contribute to their community and to the world. But capitalism has taken away these jobs and replaced them with bullshit jobs. Does this mean that capitalism is simply too productive? That there are not enough meaningful jobs to go around? Or does it mean that capitalism is a system that is designed to keep people from challenging it?
It could be the case that capitalism produces more wealth than we know what to do with, and so we have to find ways to keep people busy even if their jobs are pointless.
The History of Bullshit Jobs
Graeber argues that bullshit jobs are a relatively new phenomenon. He argues that they are a product of the last hundred years or so, and that they are a result of the rise of the service economy.
That it has eliminated the need for most human labor, leaving us with nothing to do but pointless work? Or is there something more sinister at work? I think the latter is more likely. I think capitalism is a system that is designed to keep us in our place.
That it has reached a point where it no longer needs the majority of us? As automation and A.I. advances, it seems more likely that the number of bullshit jobs will only increase. We are already seeing this happen with the rise of the gig economy. Jobs that were once considered good, middle-class jobs are being replaced by part-time, low-wage jobs with no benefits. And as more and more jobs are replaced by machines, it seems likely that the number of bullshit jobs will only increase.
it’s likely that even more jobs will be made obsolete. This could lead to even more people being unemployed or underemployed. And as Graeber argues, this could lead to even more people having bullshit jobs. So, what can we do about it? it seems likely that an ever-increasing proportion of the population will find themselves in Graeber’s category of bullshit jobs. Even if we assume that these jobs are not literally bullshit in the sense that they are completely superfluous, it is still the case that they will be increasingly low-status and low-paid.