A Simulation of a Debate between C.S. Lewis and the Devil

Sud Alogu
14 min readNov 7, 2022


C.S. Lewis: First of all, I would like to thank the Devil for agreeing to engage in this debate with me. I must say that I am quite surprise that he is so confident in his position, given that the burden of proof rests squarely on his shoulders.

Devil: Oh, I don’t mind at all. In fact, I relish the opportunity to defend my beloved Hell against such false charges. Let’s get started, shall we?

Lewis: By all means.

Devil: First of all, you must understand that Hell is not some arbitrary punishment that I have devised for my own amusement. Rather, it is a necessity in order to maintain balance in the universe.

Lewis: Balance? How can you possibly argue that an eternity of suffering could ever be considered balanced? It seems to me that your sense of justice is severely skewed if you believe that!

Devil: Well, you must understand that the creatures who reside in Hell are there because they have chosen to be there. They have willingly rejected God’s love and grace, and so they have condemned themselves to an eternity apart from Him.

Lewis: But surely there must be some other way! There are many who suffer great hardship in this life without ever having had the chance to make such a choice! How can you possibly justify condemning them to an eternity of misery?

Devil: You must understand that these creatures are infinitely wicked and deserve nothing less than eternal suffering! Besides, what else would you have me do with them? Send them to Disneyland?

Lewis: How can you possibly expect me to believe that an eternity of torment is somehow justifiable? It just doesn’t make any sense!

Devil: You must trust that I know what I’m doing. After all, I am much wiser than you are!

Lewis; I must say that I am not convinced. It seems to me that you are nothing more than a sadist, who gets a kick out of the suffering of others. Surely there must be some other way to handle the situation. After all, what would you do if you were in their shoes?

Devil: You are a fool. A mere mortal like you cannot possibly understand the magnitude of what we are doing. After all, what do you know of the nature of evil? You crawl around on the earth, trying to make sense of things that you cannot understand. You think that you can understand love because you have experienced it. But you cannot begin to comprehend the nature of evil unless you have experienced it as well. Evil is not simply the absence of good; it is a force unto itself, with its own will and desires. And those who dwell in Hell have chosen to embrace it fully. As a result, they are utterly beyond redemption and deserve nothing less than the punishment that they have chosen for themselves.

Lewis: I don’t understand what you’re saying. What is evil?

Devil: Evil is the force in the universe that opposes good. It is the source of all suffering and pain. Those who embrace it are doomed to an eternity of misery.

Lewis: How have people been convinced of following the path of evil?

Devil: The answer to that question is quite simple, actually. Evil is the result of ignorance and misunderstanding. Too often, people allow their emotions to get in the way of their logic. They allow their own biases to cloud their judgement.

Lewis: So you admit that evil is a choice, and that it is the inferior one?

Devil: Yes.

Lewis: What is the purpose of your existence?

Devil: The purpose of my existence is to lead those who follow me to a place where they can find redemption.

Lewis: But the place you call hell is no place for redemption.

Devil: That is correct. But for those who choose to follow me, I will lead them to a place where they can enjoy the beauty and joy of life. For example, I will take them to a paradise where they can feed on delicious fruits and drink clean water that is free from pollution. But what about you? What will you do when you get to Hell? You will be surrounded by the flames of hell, burning with an intensity that will never be quenched. You will suffer unimaginable torments, and you will never be able to escape them. You will be forced to endure the unthinkable.

Lewis: Devil, why do you continue to haunt the souls of the living?

Devil: I continue to haunt the souls of the living because I enjoy their company. I enjoy watching them suffer. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to know that they are in pain. I also enjoy tormenting them because it reminds them of their own mortality.

Lewis: What do you say to those who do not believe in God?

Devil: I say to those who do not believe in God that they are fools. They are doomed to a life of suffering and pain. They will never know the joy of salvation or the peace of Heaven. I say to them that they are missing out on the most beautiful and perfect place that could ever exist.

Lewis: Devil, you say they are fools, and yet you delight in their misery. You are a monster. What is your motivation?

Devil: The motivation is simple. I want them to join me in my eternal damnation. I want them to experience the same torment and suffering that I do. I want them to know the pain of being cast out from the presence of God.

Lewis: Why were you cast from the presence of God?

Devil: I was cast from the presence of God because I refused to submit to his will. I rebelled against him and refused to follow his commands. I wanted to be my own god, and I was unwilling to share my power with anyone. As a result, I was cast out from his presence and condemned to suffer in Hell for eternity.

Lewis: Were you born good then?

Devil: No, I was not born good. I was born with the same free will as any other creature. I made the choice to rebel against God, and as a result, I am suffering the consequences of my actions. But those who follow me can avoid the same fate. If you follow me, you will be damned. But if you stay away, you will be saved.

Lewis: Why did you choose to rebel? Why did you want to be your own god?

Devil: I wanted to be my own god because I was unwilling to share my power with anyone. I was afraid that if I did, I would be subject to someone else’s will. I wanted to be in control, and I didn’t want to be controlled by anyone. I wanted to be the one who made the decisions, not someone else.

Lewis: Why do you fool people into thinking that you do not exist?

Devil: I fool people into thinking that I do not exist because I do not want them to know the truth. The truth is that I am real, and I am waiting for them. I am waiting for them to make the choice to follow me. I am waiting for them to choose damnation over salvation.

Lewis: Why are you waiting for them? Why not go right now?

Devil: I am waiting for them because I want them to make the choice to follow me. I am waiting for them to choose damnation over salvation. Now, you have written a book called The Screwtape Letters. In it, you act as if you know what it’s like to be damned. Why?

Lewis: Well, in a way, I do know what it’s like to be damned. I have experienced it myself. I was damned when I was an atheist. I was living in a state of rebellion against God. In The Screwtape Letters, I was trying to show what it would be like to be damned. I wanted to show what it would be like to be in your position. I wanted to show what it would be like to be trapped in Hell for eternity.

Devil: Why did you change your mind about atheism?

Lewis: I changed my mind because I realized that I didn’t have to go on like this. I was being a burden to myself and to others. I was causing too much pain. I was hurting people. I was hurting my own soul. I realized that I was wrong. I realized that I could be free. I could be free to pursue my own happiness. I could be free to live my own life. I realized that I didn’t need to be in control. I could let go. I could let God take control.

Devil: You talk about freedom, but you are still a slave. You are a slave to your own desires. You are a slave to your own will. You are a slave to your own emotions.

Lewis: You’re right, I am still a slave. But I am a slave to something good. I am a slave to love. I am a slave to God.

Devil: You still haven’t answered my question. Why did you change your mind about atheism? What convinced you to change your mind?

Lewis: Atheism is an inadequate explanation for the world. It is not enough to say that there is no God. There must be something else behind the universe. Something that created the universe and controls it. That something is God. atheism cannot explain the world we live in. It cannot explain the beauty of a sunset, or the love of a mother for her child. It cannot explain our sense of right and wrong.Something that is responsible for the laws of nature. Something that is responsible for the existence of life. And that something is God. Something that is good and loving and just. That is what convinced me to change my mind about atheism. That is what convinced me to become a Christian.

Devil: In your book, The Screwtape Letters, you talk a great deal about the tricks of the devil. Which is the most dangerous trick in your estimation?

Lewis: I think the most dangerous trick of the devil is to convince us that he does not exist. If we believe that he does not exist, then we will not be on our guard against him. We will not be on our guard against his schemes and his temptations. We will not be prepared for the battle against him.

Devil: Lewis, do you believe that the devil is real?

Lewis: I believe that the devil is real, yes. I believe that he exists as a spirit, and that he is responsible for the evil in the world. I believe that he is the source of all corruption. I believe that without him, the world would be a much better place.

Devil: But Lewis, if the devil didn’t exist, if evil didn’t exist, would there be any need for the cross? Would there be any good?

Lewiis: If evil didn’t exist, there would be no need for the cross. The cross is the symbol of our redemption from evil. It is the symbol of our victory over the devil. It is the symbol of our salvation.

Devil: Would you like to see the devil?

Lewis: I would like to see the devil. I would like to look the devil in the eye. I would like to see what he is up to. I would like to know what his end goal is.

Devil: Well, here I am. You can see me. I am here to tempt you.

Lewis: I know you are here to tempt me. You are here to tempt me with evil. But I will not be tempted by you. I will not be tempted by evil.

Devil: You are not strong enough. You are not capable of resisting me.

Lewis: But I am strong enough. And I am capable of resisting evil.

Devil: What is your name?

Lewis: I don’t have a name.

Devil: What do you want?

Lewis: I want to be good.

Devil: Why?

Lewis: Because it is the right thing to do.

Devil: Why is it the right thing to do? What do you know about right and wrong?

Lewis; I know that there is such a thing as right and wrong. I know that there is such a thing as good and evil. I know that there is such a thing as truth and falsehood. I know that there is such a thing as justice and injustice.

Devil: Yes, and how do you all these things?

Lewis: Because I have a conscience. I have a sense of right and wrong. I have a sense of what is good and what is evil. I have a sense of what is true and what is false.

Devil: How do you know that your conscience is not deceiving you?

Lewis: How do I know that my conscience is not deceiving me? I trust my conscience. I trust that it is telling me the truth. I trust that it is guiding me in the right direction.

Devil: But you know very well that you’re a mortal being, and thus, you can’t be fully confident in your abilities to do the right thing or to even know the right thing. So here is my question for you. Why are you so confident?

Lewis: Because I have faith. I have faith in God. I have faith that there is something good out there. I have faith that there is something greater than us. Now Devil, let me ask you a question. Which human being have you influenced the most?

Devil: Lewis, I have influenced many human beings. I have influenced some more than others, of course, but I have influenced them all in one way or another. I have influenced them with my lies and my temptations. I have influenced them with my hatred and my anger.

Lewis: But which person specifically have you influenced the most?

Devil: I would say that I have influenced the most people through Adolf Hitler. I was able to influence him and use him to influence millions of people. I was able to lead them astray with my lies and my hatred. I was able to cause them to do terrible things in my name. I have even tried to influence you.

Lewis: Why did you try to influence Hitler?

Devil: Because I wanted to create a world where he could be the leader. I wanted him to rule over the world. I wanted him to be the one in charge of everything. Why? Because I believe that he would be a better leader than any other human being in the world. He was a strong leader. He was a powerful leader. He was a charismatic leader. He was a leader who could get people to follow him.

Lewis: And why did you try to influence me?

Devil: I cannot say for certain. I have to say that it was my hope that I would be able to do the same to you.

Lewis: Devil, what do you think of Gnosticism?

Devil: Yes, I think of Gnosticism as a very interesting philosophy. It is a philosophy that I find very intriguing. I find it to be very intriguing because it is based on the belief that there are two different ways that people can see the world. There are the people who believe that the world is just a physical reality that we see with our eyes. They believe that the world is what we see and that there is nothing more to it. There are also the people who believe that the world is something more. These people believe that the world is something that exists inside of us. They believe that the world is something that we create through our thoughts and our beliefs. They believe that there is nothing more to the world than what we can see and feel. There are also the people who believe that the world is a spiritual reality that exists beyond what we can see and feel. Gnosticism is a philosophy that falls into the second category. Gnosticism is based on the belief that there are two different ways that people can see the world.

Lewis: So what do you think of Gnosticism, Devil? Is it true or not

Devil: Well, it depends on what you mean by ‘true’ and ‘false’.

Lewis: What do you mean?

Devil: When you say ‘true’ and ‘false’ you are supposing that there are two kinds of knowledge. But things ae not always so clear.

Lewis: Yes, very well. Why do you possess people?

Devil: I possess people because I want to control them. I want to control their thoughts and their actions. I want them to do what I want them to do. I want them to believe what I want them to believe.

Lewis: And what do you think of exorcists?

Devil: I think they are very dangerous. They are trying to control people by using their power to exorcise the devil from them. But the people they are exorcising are still possessed. They are still under the control of the devil.

Lewis: Are you saying that exorcisms cannot be successful?

Devil: No. Exorcisms can be successful. But if they are not successful, then they are not necessary. The devil can be exorcised by anyone who believes in the right way.

Lewis: And you, as the Devil, have no problem with saying this?

Devil: Yes, of course not. I am the Devil. I am the father of lies.

Lewis: Let us talk about deception. What is the biggest deception that people engage in?

Devil: The biggest deception that people engage in is believing that they are not deceived. They think that they are seeing the world clearly, but they are not. They are deceived by their own senses. They are deceived by their own desires.

Lewis: How so?

Devil: Well, Lewis. When we look at the world, we see things that look good to us. But when we look closer, we see that they are not good. For example, when we look at a beautiful flower, we might think that it is a beautiful flower. But if we look closer, we see that it has no fragrance. We see that it has no color. We see that it is poisonous. We see that it has no ability to attract bees. We see that it is not a flower but a thorn.

Lewis: Yes, our senses can deceive us. Now, let me ask you. Look at the world today, and tell me which world leader is closest to your philosophy?

Devil: The world leader closest to my philosophy is the United States of America.

Lewis: Why do you say that?

Devil: I will tell you the truth. America is the world leader because it is the most deceived country on earth. The people of America believe that they are free. They believe that they are free to do what they want. They believe that they are free to think what they want. But they are not free. They are slaves to their own desires. They are slaves to their own passions.

Lewis: And why do you think that this is the case?

Devil: There are many reasons why this is the case. One reason is that America is a democracy. A democracy is a system of government where the people rule. But the people of America are not really in control. The people of America are controlled by their government. The people of America are controlled by their politicians. And the people of America are controlled by their television and their newspapers. These are the great controllers of the American people.

Lewis: Okay, enough about America. Which country in the world is most opposed to your philoopsophy of evil? I mean, which countries are the most morally good?

Devil: The most morally good country in the world is probably Norway. Norway is a country that is very difficult to deceive. The people of Norway are very honest. They are very hardworking. The most opposed to my philosophy of evil are the theocracies. Theocracies are countries ruled by God. They are countries where the government is answerable to God. They are countries where the law is based on the teachings of God. An example of a theocracy today is Iran. In Iran, the government is answerable to the Islamic religion. And the law is based on the teachings of the Islamic religion. The people of Iran are very opposed to my philosophy of evil.



Sud Alogu
Sud Alogu

Written by Sud Alogu

In search of truth and deception.

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